Monday, November 20, 2006

First blog adventure

Morning Subway Commute

At 12 o clock this afternoon I saw this man on the Uptown 6 train.
He’s got great old man style.
He was classic and calm as he read his newspaper, not bothered by the constant opening and closing of the subway doors.

Sky rockets in flight.. Afternoon Delight

After my afternoon class was canceled.
Richie and I hung out on the outside terrace.
In the cafeteria they were giving away muffins...
I took three.
Rich had cookies.
I had hot cocoa, she had tea.
The cold air felt good.

The winter is coming, I’m nervous.
Richie drew me.
She also took this picture of me.

The ride home with a surprise twist!

This man tried so hard to play the violin.
But even with all his mistakes and scratched notes, I loved it.
Before I could talk to him the train came, so I could only give him an air kiss goodbye.
I wanted to make this blog because of him, and all the other characters I meet.

Jessica’s birthday gift for me finally came!
It made me happy!

Tomorrow I am going downtown for a city hall meeting...

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